It measures a person's degree of open-mindedness.
A low score indicates a preference for hard facts and a down-to-earth approach.
An average score shows an ability to be imaginative yet grounded in reality.
A high score reveals a perception of the real world as too banal and simple, with a propensity to use fantasy to enrich everyday life.
A low score indicates less attention paid to emotions, with a tendency to repress them or not express them openly.
An average score shows a balanced capacity for introspection with regard to emotions.
A high score reveals a strong emotional connection, with great attention to detail and a facility for expressing emotions.
A low score indicates a preference for stability and routine, with a resistance to change.
An average score shows an appreciation of habit while being open to novelty.
A high score reveals an enthusiasm for change, with a delight in exploring new experiences and an aversion to monotony, actively seeking out different paths.
Psychological liberalism refers to the ability to accept changes in authority, conventions or values.
A low score indicates a preference for security, stability and conformity to tradition.
An average score shows a traditional attitude with an open mind.
A high score reveals a preference for rebellious or anarchic behavior, with a tendency to defy established norms.
Artistic sense
A low score indicates limited sensitivity or moderate interest in the arts in general.
An average score shows an appreciation of art without being easily captivated.
A high score reveals a passion for beauty, both formal and functional. You're easily absorbed by artistic expressions and cultural events. You're not necessarily an artist, but you do appreciate the aesthetic.
Intellect and artistry are two essential aspects of open-mindedness. Intellect should not be confused with conventional intelligence, but rather as a particular form of intelligence. Even those who score high often show good results on standardized intelligence tests.
A low score indicates a preference for chatting with like-minded individuals, viewing intellectual exercises as a waste of time.
An average score shows a general openness to new ideas and concepts.
A high score reveals an inclination for playing with abstract concepts, original ideas and intellectual debates. You enjoy riddles, puzzles and other cognitive challenges.
The five main test areas
A personality trait marked by a strong tendency to socialize and seek out new stimuli.
Sociability measures team spirit, social interaction and the ability to get along well with others.